Today is Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand which marks the anniversary of both countries’ first major military action during World War I. The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) landed at Gallipoli on this day in 1915 and suffered major casualties through to the end of that year when the allied forces were evacuated from Gallipoli.
April 25 has become a day not only to commemorate those who lost their lives during WWI, but for all who have served and died in subsequent wars, conflicts as well as peacekeeping operations. Services are held at dawn, being the time of the original landing, as well as marches later in the day where ex-servicemen and women take part.
I remember participating in these marches with my Pop when I was at primary school and despite having parents, grandparents, uncles, cousins and other relatives who have served in the military, I must admit I don’t think I really appreciated what Anzac Day meant until I was older.
One baked good that makes an appearance at this time is the Anzac Biscuit which is an eggless sweet biscuit which may or may not contain coconut. Although you will come up with a gazillion hits when you search the interweb for a recipe, I used the two recipes found on the Australian War Memorial website.