Hi folks! Have you missed me?  I have missed you 🙂
To point out the obvious, it has been just over four months since my last post so I thought it was about time to try to get back into the swing of things.  I have had to focus my attention elsewhere during my time away from you all which occasionally meant taking it a bit easy.  However in doing so, I actually lost my cooking “mojo” and have found it really hard to get it back (still struggling a bit if I am honest).
With that said, I have managed to whip up a few things in recent months and I am finally writing the posts as I haven’t really wanted to look at a computer much at the end of the day either.
This time tomorrow will be the first recipe post since the Chocolate Crackles in June, and I hope to get back to once a week posting but I do ask that you bear with me because I may still miss a week here and there because of what else is going on in my little world (it is nothing bad so don’t fret).
I thank you for sticking around and I hope you like what I have coming up. Â Cath.
Good to have you back! Cheers