Well I am very glad you ask that question my friend. I am grateful for all of you who subscribe to my blog and I would like to let you know of the methods you can continue to subscribe if you currently use Google Reader.
As you have probably heard Google Reader retires on 1 July so now is the time to switch to another option to stay up-to-date with all of my creations. There are a few to choose from so please select the one, or a few if your heart desires, that best suit you.
You may have noticed that little box at the top of my sidebar on the right hand side that says Subscribe via Email. If you enter your email in there, you will receive an email directly into your inbox with the latest post so that you never miss a thing. You can also click on the link below to enter your email address.
Subscribe to Cath’s Cookery Creations! by Email
One of the RSS readers that has been spoken about highly since Google announced the retirement of Reader is bloglovin’. There are apps for Android and iOS that you can use on your phone or tablet and an easy interface to import all of your subscriptions.
Bloglovin’ is the one I have found to be mostly recommended via the blogs that I follow and currently there are 40 subscribers to my posts through it. Will you be number 41?
Although I tried bloglovin’ for a little while and did like it, I actually use Feedly to manage all of the blogs that I follow. In the short time I have been using it they have made a few changes so that all of the users coming across from Google Reader can recognise some of the functionality that they’re used to (e.g. multiple tags, list only view).
It is again really easy to import your subscriptions to Feedly and all you need to do is head to feedly.com and click on the big blue button saying to import from Google Reader and that’s it (you may have to sign in to your Google account if you haven’t done so already).
If you already have a Feedly account, you can add my blog to your list by clicking on +Add Content and then search for Cath’s Cookery Creations or enter the website address. When the search result appears, click on the +add to my feedly button and it will forever be in your list.
Once again, there are apps available for both Android and iOS for Feedly so you can keep up to date on the move.
There are certainly other RSS readers out there so if you have found another that suits you better, that is fantastic and thanks for subscribing!
Social Media
You have probably noticed all of the nice green circles at the top of the site which gives you links to all of my social media pages. I do usually publish a link to the latest post on my Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest pages, but to be absolutely certain that you don’t miss out it is probably best to go with one of the above methods.
With that said, I would still love it if you follow one or all of these pages as I like to post other bits and pieces throughout the week.
Now with all of that information, which is the best way you have found to manage your blog subscriptions? Are there any others that you can recommend?